BBOX Interpreter


BBOX is a language for black box algorithms. We present a BBOX interpreter for GAP.


Suppose we have the two BBOX programs M22.find (a finder for M22) and M22.check (a checker for M22). We can load them into GAP as follows:

gap> find := prepareblackbox("bbox/spor/M22.find");
[ [ "set", "V", 0 ], [ "rand", 1 ], [ "ord", 1, "A" ], [ "incr", "V" ], 
  [ "_if", "V", "gt", 1000, "then", "timeout" ], 
  [ "_if", "A", "notin", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, "then", "fail" ], 
  [ "_if", "A", "noteq", 8, "then", "jmp", 2 ], [ "mu", 1, 1, 3 ], 
  [ "mu", 3, 3, 2 ], [ "set", "X", 0 ], [ "incr", "X" ], 
  [ "_if", "X", "gt", 1000, "then", "timeout" ], [ "rand", 4 ], 
  [ "cjr", 3, 4 ], [ "mu", 2, 3, 5 ], [ "ord", 5, "D" ], 
  [ "_if", "D", "notin", 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, "then", "fail" ], 
  [ "_if", "D", "noteq", 11, "then", "jmp", 11 ], [ "mu", 5, 3, 6 ], 
  [ "mu", 5, 6, 7 ], [ "ord", 7, "E" ], 
  [ "_if", "E", "noteq", 11, "then", "jmp", 11 ], [ "oup", 2, 2, 3 ] ]
gap> check := prepareblackbox("bbox/spor/M22.check");
[ [ "chor", 1, 2 ], [ "chor", 2, 4 ], [ "mu", 1, 2, 3 ], [ "chor", 3, 11 ], 
  [ "mu", 3, 2, 4 ], [ "mu", 3, 4, 5 ], [ "chor", 5, 11 ], [ "mu", 5, 2, 6 ], 
  [ "chor", 6, 6 ] ]

Now let us use the finder to find standard generators for M22:

gap> G := MathieuGroup(22);
Group([ (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)(12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22), 
  (1,21)(2,10,8,6)(3,13,4,17)(5,19,9,18)(11,22)(12,14,16,20) ])
gap> g := blackbox(G, find, [], rec());;
gap> a := g.gens[1];
gap> b := g.gens[2];

We can also use the checker to test them:

gap> ans := blackbox(G, check, [a,b], rec(verbose := true));
  1. chor 1 2 
  2. chor 2 4 
  3. mu 1 2 3 
  4. chor 3 11 
  5. mu 3 2 4 
  6. mu 3 4 5 
  7. chor 5 11 
  8. mu 5 2 6 
  9. chor 6 6 
rec( multiply := 4, invert := 0, power := 0, order := 5, class := 0, 
  random := 0, timetaken := 0, conjugate := 0, conjugateinplace := 0, 
  commutator := 0, vars := [  ], callstack := [  ], result := true )

Because ans.result is true, the checker succeeded.

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